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Georgia Sotiropoulou, PhD

Professor at University of Patras

Location: Rion-Patras, Achaia Greece

Georgia Sotiropoulou is currently a professor in the department of pharmacy of the School of Health Sciences at the University of Patras in Greece and an affiliated investigator in the Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens (BRFAA). Her research group is interested in understanding the roles of proteolytic pathways in normal physiology and disease states, especially in skin diseases, neurodegeneration and cancer, with a focus on identifying and validating novel therapeutic, pharmacological and diagnostic targets. By developing novel animal models, her group provided preclinical proof-of-principle for pharmacological targeting of specific KLKs for devastating skin diseases, especially for Netherton syndrome as well as in Parkinson’s disease. Her studies are published in >100 papers, which have received substantial recognition. In 2013, she received the E.K. Frey-E. Werle Promotion Prize (Munich, Germany) for important contributions to contemporary research in the kallikrein-kinin system and related fields.

Associated Grants

  • Validation of KLK6 as a New Therapeutic Target for Parkinson’s Disease


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