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Henning Hermjakob, MSc

Team Leader Proteomics Services

Location: Hinxton, Cambridgesh United Kingdom

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Henning Hermjakob studied bioinformatics in Bielefeld/Germany and Bordeaux/France. After obtaining his MSc, he worked at the National Biotechnology Research Institute (GBF) in Braunschweig/Germany, before moving to the European Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton/Cambridgeshire as database developer in the Swiss-Prot group of Rolf Apweiler. In 2002 he started the IntAct molecular interaction database, the nucleus of the Proteomics Services Team at the EBI. The other two major project of the team are the Reactome database of human pathways, and the PRIDE Proteomics Identifications Database.

As founding member and co-chair of the HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative, member of the executive committee of the British Society for Proteome Research (BSPR), and senior editor of the PROTEOMICS journal, Henning Hermjakob contributes to the standardization of data representation in proteomics. Current research interests include the comparative analysis of large-scale proteomics datasets, and user-friendly approaches to data capture in systems biology.




Associated Grants

  • Protein Interaction Network Analysis and Pathway Modeling for LRRK2


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