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Hui Peng, PhD

Associate Professor at University of Toronto

Location: Toronto Canada

Dr. Hui Peng is an associate professor in the department of chemistry at the University of Toronto with special expertise in environmental toxicology and chemistry. His research is currently focused on developing and using innovative bioanalytical tools to map protein- and chemical-interaction networks. Some of his major research contributions include identifying previously unrecognized toxins causing adverse health effects, developing affinity purification methods to identify the chemical ligands that bind to key human proteins and developing large-scale, proteomic methods to identify protein targets of environmental toxins. The chemoproteomics platform developed in his group will be crucial for identifying the proteins targeted by organophosphate esters in human neurons. In addition, his laboratory maintains and operates two LC-Orbitrap systems, with funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), which can serve as the core facility for mass spectroscopic analysis of proteins targeted by environmental toxins.

Associated Grants

  • Use of a Stem-cell-based Platform to Screen for Environmental Factors in Parkinson’s Disease


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