Jean-Paul Soucy received his MD from UdM, 1980, his FRCP(c) certification (Nuclear Medicine), 1984, passed the American Board of Nuclear Medicine, 1984, and an obtained an MSc, Neuroscience from UdM (1993: Validation of PET agents for imaging the membrane transporters of monoaminergic neurons).
He completed a Fellowship, on in vivo measurements of cerebral blood flow in acute stroke patients (1985; Hôpital Frédéric-Joliot, Orsay, France).
He is Professor (Clinical) in Radiology, Radiotion Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, UdM, and Adjunct Professor, Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill.
He his a staff member, Nuclear Medicine, CHUM (Molecular Neuroimaging Division).
He is Director, PET Unit, at the McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute, and Associate Director, Bio-Imaging, PERFORM Centre, Concordia University.
He has authored/co-authored over 135 articles in peer-reviewed journals, presented approximately 350 abstracts at local, provincial, national and international meetings. He has been invited speaker 97 times, and has written/co-written 12 book chapters.