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Lih-Fen Lue, PhD

Senior Scientist at Banner Sun Health Research Institute

Location: Sun City, AZ United States

Dr. Lue completed her doctoral degree in 1983 at the Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. She has 25 years of experience and expertise in the isolation of human glial cells and in investigation of glial cell biology in aging. She has published articles on human postmortem microglia cell isolation, characterization and activation mechanisms. In the last three years, she participated in the single cell suspension research project at the Banner Sun Health Research Institute (BSHRI). Dr. Lue is currently leading the new initiative on “Human Cells Core for Translational Research” at BSHRI, where she developed the procedures for routine isolation of human brain cells from postmortem human brains and demonstrated their value in modeling mechanisms for human neurodegenerative diseases. 

Associated Grants

  • Characterization of Astrocytes in Aging and Lewy Body Pathology


  • Validation of Novel and Traditional Quantitative EEG Biomarkers


  • Characterization of Inflammatory Mediators During Early Stages of Parkinson's Disease


  • Identifying Peripheral Inflammatory Markers for Parkinson's Disease with Dementia (PDD)


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