Molly Gale Hammell, PhD, is an associate professor at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine in the department of neuroscience and physiology and the NYU Institute for Systems Genetics. The overarching goal of her lab is to iterate between wet and dry bench approaches to better understand how the movement of transposons in our genome is normally controlled and how transposons contribute to human disease. Experimental work in her lab focuses on understanding the connections between retrotransposon de-silencing and neurodegenerative disease, using a mix of genetic and genomics approaches. Dr. Gale Hammell has had a long-standing collaboration with the NYGC ALS Consortium and has participated in the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Neurodegeneration Challenge Network, for which she received a Ben Barres Early Career Acceleration Award. She serves as an associate editor for Mobile DNA (the transposon community journal) and a co-organizer of the 2021-2022 FASEB Mobile DNA Conferences.