Dr. Howell holds a BA in Zoology from The University of Kansas (1968) and a PhD in Molecular Biology from The University of Wisconsin (1972). He held postdoctoral positions at Monash University in Australia (where he was a Fulbright-Hays Fellow) and at Harvard Medical School (holding an NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship). Following a career in academia, including 18 years at The University of Texas Medical Branch where he rose to Professor with Tenure (and where he retains an appointment as Professor Emeritus), Dr. Howell switched to a career in biotechnology and drug development. Currently, he is Vice President of Research, San Diego for MIGENIX Corp. Dr. Howell’s research interests, resulting in more than 140 scientific publications, include mitochondrial genetics and evolution, bioenergetics and cellular energy metabolism, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Associated Grants
Development of MX-4565, a Novel Estrogen Analogue, for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease