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Olivier Rascol, MD, PhD

Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at Toulouse University Hospital

Location: Toulouse France

Olivier Rascol obtained his MD in Neurology (Toulouse, 1985) and his PhD in Neurosciences (Paris, 1992). He has run the Toulouse Clinical Research Centre since 1994 and the Toulouse European Space Clinic since 1998. He has also run a research group on motricity in the Research Unit INSERM U825.

As a neuropharmacologist, Dr. Rascol’s main fields of interest are Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders, drug development for Parkinson’s disease and functional neuroimaging. He is currently running several research programs on neuroprotection, dopamine agonists, dyskinesia and non-dopaminergic antiparkinsonian medications in collaboration with several research centers in the United States and in Europe. He serves as an external advisor for French and European scientific organisations, patients’ associations, drug agencies and international pharmaceutical companies.

Dr. Rascol is a member of several international neurological and pharmacological societies. He is the current secretary of the Movement Disorders Society and member of the World Federation of Neurology Research Committee on Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. He is associate editor for the Journal of Neural Transmission and is a member of the editorial board of Lancet Neurology, Neurology and the European Journal of Neurology.

Dr. Rascol has published more than 250 articles in international scientific journals. He has also been invited to give more than 150 lectures in various European, North and South American and Asian universities or national and international meetings.

Associated Grants

  • Simvastatin for the Treatment of Levodopa-induced Dyskinesia in Parkinson's Disease


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