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Poul Henning Jensen, MD, PhD

Professor and Core Group Leader at The Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DANDRITE) and the Department of Biomedi

Location: Aarhus Denmark

Dr. Jensen became Medical Doctor from Aarhus University in 1989 and completed medical internship from 1992-1994 at Aarhus University Hospital. He has been employed at Departments of Physiology, Medical Biochemistry, Biomedicine, Aarhus University since 1992 and where he became professor in medical biochemistry in 2004. He was visiting scientist in Dr. Carlos Dotti’s laboratory at European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany 1997-1998 and became Dr. of Medical Sciences (equivalent to PhD) in 1998 from Aarhus University. He served as Head of Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of Aarhus from 2001-2011. Since 2013 core-principal investigator and founding member of DANDRITE, the Danish Center for Translation Neuroscience that is part of the EMBL Nordic Nodes in Translational Medicine. Jensen has published over 115 original research papers.

Associated Grants

  • Studying the Properties of Alpha-Synuclein Aggregates Amplified from Human Cerebrospinal Fluid


  • Using Antibodies to Confirm Sticky Alpha-synuclein as the Cause of Parkinson's Disease


  • Studying Alpha-synuclein Oligomers Using Oligomer-binding Antibodies


  • Characterization of MJFF Alpha-Synuclein Filament-specific Antibodies


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