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Synapse is a technology platform developed by Sage Bionetworks for research teams to organize data, track analyses, and collaborate across organizational boundaries.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation partners with Sage Bionetworks to host DREAM Challenges that propose solutions to fundamental Parkinson’s disease questions. We then make the data used in challenges available in Synapse, which strives to make research teams more productive while supporting discovery, access, and reuse by the broader scientific community. Synapse provides HIPAA-compliant security and data governance tools to ensure data is protected and accessible to scientists while respecting patients’ rights.

Levadopa Response Study

The Levodopa Response Study includes three types of data:

  • participant demographic and clinical data;
  • sensor data from different devices, as well as clinical scores and metadata related to tasks performed;
  • participant diaries. 

Synapse Resources

  • Getting Started Guide:  Learn fundamental Synapse features by performing common tasks, such as creating a project or using the wiki. 
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