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2025 Parkinson's Unity Walk

Welcome to our 2025 Parkinson's Unity Walk website! Click the tabs below to fully explore and celebrate the Unity Walk community.

About the Unity Walk
2024 team photo PUW
Team celebrates completing the 1.2 mile walk at the 2024 finish line

For the past 30 years, the Parkinson's Unity Walk has been a staple in the Parkinson's community. Every year, thousands gather in New York City's Central Park for an event that is more than just a walk. The Michael J. Fox Foundation is proud to celebrate another year of the Parkinson's Unity Walk. Join thousands on April 26, 2025 as we celebrate 31 years and walk for a cure for Parkinson's disease (PD).

The day of the walk you can enjoy the 1.2 mile route starting and ending at the Naumburg Bandshell, watch programming at the Bandshell from PD groups, explore informational booths featuring industry representatives, and national and local groups providing resources for people and families living with Parkinson's.

100 percent of the funds raised go directly to Parkinson's research and public policy priorities. Last year, this community raised over $1.2 million for Parkinson's research and policy with an additional $1 million match from a generous, anonymous donor. All of this culminated in the largest amount ever fundraised at the Parkinson's Unity Walk in a single year: over $2.2 million! Thank you to everyone who has walked, fundraised, and supported the mission over the past 30 years. Now, as we enter the 31st year of the Parkinson's Unity Walk, a world without Parkinson's is closer than ever, thanks to you.

Central Park PUW Walk Route

Event Day Programming

Check-in, onsite registration and the rolling start for the 1.2 mile walk will take place at the Bandshell beginning at 8:30 am. Check back soon for information on the 2025 programming schedule for this year's Parkinson's Unity Walk. 

For questions, reach out to us at



Photo Gallery

Finish Line 2024

Thousands of attendees cross the finish line at the 1.2 mile walk

Dance for PD 2024

Dance for PD leads an exciting, inclusive demonstration at the Bandshell stage

Sweatsuit team

Teams create custom shirts or outfits as an incredible show of support for their loved ones

PUW Buttons 2024

Attendees create buttons to commemorate their years of participation

Have Questions?

We understand — that's why we've compiled a comprehensive list of the questions we hear from our community which can be downloaded HERE. If you do not find the answer to your question below, please reach out to us at 

Event Resources

It's time to start fundraising and we know you may be wondering where to start. You will find extensive resources located in our Fundraising Toolkit linked below to help you get registered, create a team, increase your fundraising, grow your team and more. Be sure to check out our T-shirt fundraising tool, Bonfire, to design your own team shirts and raise money for PD research.

2025 PUW Fundraising Toolkit

Parkinson's Unity Walk Fundraising Toolkit

We know you may have questions, so we've compiled a handful of resources that can be found at the link below. Whether you're a Team Captain, looking to share your story on social media, or need assistance with your Classy page or Facebook fundraiser, we're here to help! If you need assistance beyond our guides, please reach out to our team at

Classy Video Tutorial

Watch this video for a walk-through on how to set up your Classy fundraising page. Have additional questions? Reach out to us at!

Opportunities to Partner
  • Get Involved Through Sponsorship

    Through corporate support of the Parkinson's Unity Walk, National and Regional Partners can become a part of The Michael J. Fox Foundation's mission. These events provide a collaborative opportunity to engage leadership, employees and customers with a meaningful philanthropic initiative. This is a unique opportunity to join us as we continue to expand in Central Park. MJFF offers a range of sponsorship packages and exhibit opportunities to fit any budget. For more information or to share your interest, contact us at

  • Additional Ways to Partner

    Community Partnerships

    Are you a Parkinson's organization or nonprofit who wants to be involved in the Unity Walk in a bigger way? Our community partners have the opportunity to share a community tent, provide resources to the community to get involved, and potentially provide a demonstration at the Bandshell. For more information or to share your interest, contact us at

    In-Kind Partners

    Our in-kind partners donate products or services in lieu of or in conjunction with financial donations. Businesses that provide in-kind support are acknowledged with benefits for their corresponding level of partnership. Your in-kind support helps reduce the cost of the event and therefore enables us to further our resources toward speeding a cure. For more information or to share your interest, contact us at

    Corporate Teams and Volunteers

    Bring together leadership and employees with a unique team-building experience and help support MJFF's mission by forming a corporate Unity Walk team or volunteering at the event. Participants can fundraise and walk together to help raise dollars urgently needed for the Parkinson's community! For more information or to share your interest, contact us at

Volunteering Opportunities

If you are interested in volunteering with us on April 26, 2025, please fill our volunteer form HERE and a member of our team will reach out to you if we have open positions.

The Parkinson's Unity Walk is a massive event that is only as strong as its staff. We welcome the extra hands who join our MJFF staff onsite to help make this event possible for the PD community! 

Consider volunteering in Central Park with us this spring. There's no better way to give back, connect with your community, and get inspired. 

For any questions, email us at

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