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Shaking hands with Congress

Updates from Washington

News from Capitol Hill and statehouses across the country shifts rapidly, so it’s important to stay up to date. Here, you’ll find the latest information on the policies that The Michael J. Fox Foundation and our nationwide network of policy advocates are working on to support the Parkinson's community.

  • Congress Increases Research Funding, Shows Support for Care Partners

    Congress Increases Research Funding, Shows Support for Care Partners

    The president recently signed a funding bill that will positively impact the Parkinson's community.
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  • New Study Seeks to Understand How Parkinson's Impacts Family Finances

    New Study Seeks to Understand How Parkinson's Impacts Family Finances

    "The Economic Burden of Parkinson's Disease" is a new study that seeks to understand more of the financial costs associated with Parkinson's.
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  • Funding for Neurological Disease Database Passes the Senate

    Funding for Neurological Disease Database Passes the Senate

    This database will capture demographic information on people living with neurological diseases.
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  • Foundation Thanks Senator McCain for Contributions to Parkinson's Research

    Foundation Thanks Senator McCain for Contributions to Parkinson's Research

    The Senator championed the passage of the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research and Education Act in 1997.
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  • Regulators Endorse First Imaging Test for Parkinson's Disease Clinical Trials

    Regulators Endorse First Imaging Test for Parkinson's Disease Clinical Trials

    The European Medicines Agency has, for the first time, supported a brain scan to help choose trial participants. It could speed drug trials and improve their chances of success.
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  • Proposal Could Impact Regulation of Chemicals Linked to Parkinson's

    Proposal Could Impact Regulation of Chemicals Linked to Parkinson's

    MJFF spoke out against the proposed rule with nearly 70 health, academic and scientific groups.
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Michael J. Fox in blue sweater posing for the camera.

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