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Books & Resources

Learn more about Parkinson's and managing disease with these books, products and organizations, suggested by our community.

  • Cover of Book, "Say That Again" with an outdoor landscape of a pond and trees in the winter.

    Say That Again

    Jane M Cullen

    Benedict Marshall is a charismatic, articulate, award winning playwright. At 62, his life is altered dramatically in one week by two events - being diagnosed with Parkinson's and meeting Nell, a much younger, out of work actress. They form an instant and unlikely close friendship. As they grow closer, Benedict valiantly battles against his Parkinson's with black humour and charm, while trying to deny to his family and himself, his unspoken love for the young woman who everyone warns him can only be after his money.

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  • Book cover for "DBS: A Patient Guide to Deep Brain Stimulation."

    DBS A Patient Guide to Deep Brain Stimulation

    Sierra Farris, PAC and Monique Giroux, MD

    Learn how DBS can help or understand ways to optimize your DBS treatment.

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  • Cover of the book "Shaking Up Parkinson's Disease: Fighting Like a Tiger, Thinking Like a Fox."

    Shaking Up Parkinson: Fighting Like a Tiger, Thinking Like a Fox

    Abraham N. Lieberman, MD

    (Paperback published 2001 by Jones & Bartlett Publishers)

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  • Logo for Mayo Clinic.

    Mayo Clinic Parkinson's Homepage

    Research, patient and caregiver information as well as a biannual newsletter from the Mayo clinic.

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  • Cover of the second edition book, "Parkinson's Disease: A Complete Guide for Patients and Families."

    Parkinson's Disease: A Complete Guide for Patients and Families

    William J. Weiner, MD, Lisa M. Shulman, MD, and Anthony E. Lang, MD

    The second edition of this accessible and comprehensive guide provides crucial information for managing this complex condition, including details on the use of medications, diet, exercise, complementary therapies, and surgery. (Paperback published 2001 by Johns Hopkins University Press)

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  • Logo for "Northwest Parkinson's Foundation."

    Northwest Parkinson's Foundation

    Northwest Parkinson’s Foundation’s mission is to improve the quality of life of people affected by Parkinson’s through awareness, education, advocacy, and care. With over 100,000 people living with Parkinson’s throughout Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, and Oregon, NWPF seeks to bridge the gap between diagnosis and cure with the best evidence-based programming, to provide high quality, equitable services, and to promote low-cost education of the latest PD research and information. NWPF’s goal is to connect those affected by Parkinson’s in the Northwest to each other through grassroots, localized support. Learn more at

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  • Book cover for the fifth edition of "Parkinson's Disease: A Guide for Patient and Family."

    Parkinson's Disease: A Guide for Patient and Family

    Roger C. Duvoisin, MD, and Jacob Sage, MD

    (Paperback published 2001 by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins)

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  • Book cover of "Silence of the Bunnies: Tales of Life, Love and Survival."

    Silence of the Bunnies: Tales of Life, Love and Survival

    Dan Stark

    (Tewksbury Tales Press, 2007)

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  • Book cover for "Everybody Has a Window and Aisle Seat: Choosing a Positive Approach to Parkinson's Disease."

    Everybody Has a Window and Aisle Seat: Choosing a Positive Approach to Parkinson's Disease

    Mary Huston McLendon

    Diagnosed with Parkinson's disease almost two decades ago, Mary Huston McLendon shares a collection of stories that describe her positive and straightforward approach to navigating Parkinson's.

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  • Cover of book titled "Parkinson's Disease" by the American Academy of Neurology.

    Parkinson's Disease: A Guide for Patients and Families by American Academy of Neurology

    Peggy Van Hulsteyn

    This DVD and guidebook answers important questions for newly diagnosed patients and their caregivers. Featuring inside perspective from Michael J. Fox and expert counsel by a leading neurologist and a movement disorder specialist.

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