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Funded Studies

The Foundation supports research across basic, translational and clinical science to speed breakthroughs that can lead to the creation of new treatments and a better quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease.

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Previously funded studies appear chronologically, with the most recent appearing first.

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  • LRRK2 Cohort Working Group, 2011
    Gait and Motor Symptoms in Healthy Asymptomatic Relatives of Patients with PD Who Are Carriers of Mutations in the LRRK2 Gene

    Gait disturbances play a major role in the motor manifestation of Parkinson's disease (PD). We aim to explore the possibility that subtle gait alterations are also present in the...

  • LRRK2 Challenge, 2011
    Regulation of LRRK2 Activity by Nitric Oxide-Mediated Protein S-Nitrosylation

    Mutations in the LRRK2 gene are a common cause of familial Parkinson’s disease (PD). Familial mutations can influence the GTPase or kinase activity of LRRK2 which may be...

  • MJFF Research Grant, 2011
    In Vivo Validation of the AAV-alpha-synuclein Vectors Generated by UNC for Distribution to MJFF Supported Research Community

    The Michael J. Fox Foundation would like to generate those tools and reagents that can be of greatest use to PD researchers. Working with Dr. R. Jude Samulski at The University...

  • MJFF Research Grant, 2011
    Nmnat Function in Axonal Neuroprotection

    Promising Outcomes of Original Grant:
    In the previous application, we tested the hypothesis that gene delivery of NMNAT-1 would protect striatal innervation in 6-OHDA lesioned pre-clinical models and...

  • Repositioning Drugs for PD, 2011
    Droxidopa Treatment for Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease

    Memory, concentration, and other cognitive operations are sometimes impaired in Parkinson's disease (PD), but available treatment options are very limited. This project will test...

  • Rapid Response Innovation Awards, 2011
    Pathogenic Significance of the Hyperpolarization-activated Current (Ih) in the Degeneration of Dopaminergic Neurons

    The neurotoxin MPTP is believed to kill nigral dopaminergic neurons by inhibiting mitochondrial metabolism, thus producing Parkinson’s signs in pre-clinical models. Recent studies...

Two female doctors talking in the lab.

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Our funding programs support basic, translational and clinical research from academia and industry.

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